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Updated: Feb 13, 2020

JLO’s final two of four engagements in Bangui, Central African Republic concluded in December 2019. 

Our team delivered a Demobilization, Disarmament, and Reintegration (DDR) workshop in coordination with stakeholders from the Central African Republic in the first week and concluded the second week with a Strategic Communications/Get the Message Out/Train-the-Trainers’ component, in which participants developed and delivered a series of simulated public information messages on DDR in various formats ranging from SMS-text, to posters, pamphlets, sketches and radio spots.

This project proved so effective that the PNDDR will use many of them in the coming weeks in radio communications, pamphlet handouts, and flyers posted at the Bangui airport and other high-traffic areas within the capital.

"The participatory approach adopted in this workshop, the sharing of experience with the men and women in uniform and the ISG team enabled me the understand the complexity of the PNDDRR in CAR. This enriches me and motivates me to get involved in the DDRR process."

Program Officer, CPFON-AHDCA

"The course first enabled me to improve the knowledge that I gained last week, then it also enabled me to learn the methodology of disseminating new knowledge. The quality of the training and the professionalism of the facilitators were quite remarkable."

Captain, Air Force


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